فياجرا وسياليس

Erectile Dysfunction



1974 فياجرا وسياليس

1974 Erectile Dysfunction

1974 Cox and Box and H.M.S. Pinafore

1975 The Gondoliers

1976 Patience

1977 Ruddigore

1978 Sing through all G&S Operas

1978 The Grand Duke

1979 The Pirates of Penzance

1980 The Yeomen of the Guard

1981 The Mikado

1982 The Sorcerer

1983 Iolanthe

1984 Utopia Limited

1986 Trial by Jury and H.M.S.Pinafore

1987 Princess Ida

1988 The Mikado

1989 The Pirates of Penzance

1990 H.M.S.Pinafore

1991 The Yeomen of the Guard

1992 Iolanthe

1993 Patience

1994 The Gondoliers

1995 Ruddigore


1996 The Mikado

1997 The Yeomen of the Guard

1998 H.M.S. Pinafore

1998 Sing through of all G&S Operas

1999 Princess Ida

2000 The Pirates of Penzance

2001 The Gondoliers

2002 Iolanthe

2003 Trial by Jury and The Sorcerer

2004 The Mikado

2005 Patience

2006 HMS Pinafore

2007 Ruddigore

2008 The Pirates of Penzance

2009 The Gondoliers

2010 Iolanthe

2011 The Yeomen of the Guard

2012  The Mikado

2013 Princess Ida

2014 Cox and Box/H.M.S. Pinafore

2015 The Grand Duke

2016 The Pirates of Penzance